

UBS Interest Rates

UBS Switzerland is a major bank within Switzerland. It is part of UBS, the international financial services firm headquartered in Zurich and Basel that operates in over 50 countries around the world. UBS provides banking and financial services to private, corporate and institutional clients, specifically within its home market of Switzerland it also offers retail  banking, wealth management, investment banking and asset management services.

UBS was Formed from the merger in 1998 from the Union Bank of Switzerland and the Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC) merged with origins dating as far back as 1862 and its shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX) and the New York Stock Exchange. 

Within Switzerland it provides 300 bank branches(2010 Annual Report) to deliver its banking and financial services and products to its clients. It also offers a fully integrated set of financial products and services specifically designed and catered for ultra high net worth, high net worth and core affluent individuals and families.

Within the Swiss retail banking market, its competitors are Credit Suisse, Raiffeisen, PostFinance, the cantonal banks and various other local banks.

Some of its typical savings and deposit products it offers to its retail customers include  CHF savings accounts, foreign currency accounts, time deposits, demand deposits, call deposits, fixed term deposits and fiduciary deposits. 


UBS Services